UJ English Journalism (Week Nine)
Conflict and War: Mind Map: Think of as many words as you can, related to war / conflict... WWI Video Introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbwH1ZBnYds PP Presentation: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/joining-british-army-first-world-war _________________________________________________ The Holocaust and the Final Solution: Excerpt from Night by Elie Wiesel http://echoesandreflections.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/EchoesAndReflections_Lesson_Five_Memoir-ExcerptFromNight.pdf Discussion questions: 1. Describe the scene. Who, what, when, how? 2. What was Auschwitz? 3. What is the process he is describing in the reading? How does it work? 4. Describe his feelings...What was he thinking, feeling? 5. Reflect. How did you feel reading this passage from Elie Wiesel? Movie: Schindler's List Introduction: https://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%205928.pdf Watch